Provide effective feedback that drives positive change

Backing into a camping site with a travel trailer is a daunting task. One of the main reasons for divorce amongst campers! Also a frequent meme-subject. T-Shirts with a “Sorry for what I said during parking the RV “ are bestsellers.

I had my hard time there too. We had to discuss it as a couple a few times, highlighting that if I do not see her in the mirror then the most accurate hand-signal is useless. Keeping calm while you worry about damaging your trailer or a utility at a campsite is difficult. Especially as your ego can be bruised too, so it makes an emotionally heated situation.

Giving feedback as a leader is equally challenging. You might not agree with your team member on her performance which is often overrated by those being assessed. GIving negative feedback is not helping either, see earlier posts about motivation.

When giving feedback to employees in a hybrid work environment, these are the top five factors to keep in mind:

To make sure the feedback is most effective: