You have a great organizational chart.
And Things just happen a bit differently.
Let's Reveal the real networks within your organisation
Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) is a methodology that maps both formal and informal relationships and collaboration patterns between employees, departments or business units. ONA enables the identification of influencers in organizations who can help integrate new behaviors and communicate more effectively.
ONA is a framework for data-driven, evidence-based decision-making in complex organizations. The methodology collects data both in an active way through a survey and a passive, automated way. It reveals the formal and informal communication lines and information flows within the organization, as well as among the most influential employees, at all levels of the organization.
ONA helps to make better-informed decisions when it comes to change management, organizational development, human capital management and social capital. It provides actionable insights into the communication flows, showing ways in which these flows can be improved. Helps to redesign communication processes to achieve the best and most trustworthy information reach. It also reveals people who are ready to be nurtured as lasting or future leaders of the organization.
There are several use cases for ONA. It can be embedded into larger change initiatives or it can be done as a stand-alone activity to give you a better understanding of your underlying networks in your organisation. Some examples include:
Culture change
Empower the organization to successfully achieve the desired culture
Achieve a deep, lasting and meaningful new culture
Minimize the resistance to change with the power of Change Agents
Increase the buy-in rates of employees
Speed up the adoption of new digital technologies while maximizing acceptance rates
Save resources, time and money
Increase talent engagement in a hybrid work environment
Wellbeing & Communication Overload Monitoring
Burnout monitoring
Collaboration and communication pattern discovery
Identify and measure the relevant and realistic D&I KPIs
Uncover the level of inclusion and better support minorities within the organization
Mapping key employees and their roles pre- & post-merger
Mapping cultural differences between the merging companies
Monitoring integration progress
Account-based collaboration mapping
Individual connectivity map
Identify gaps and overloaded collaborations
Identifying the central contacts within the organization
Increase the efficiency of organizational communication
Understand the communication flows within and across BUs on various levels
Pinpoint the hidden communication blockages
Mapping manager & team collaborations
Increase the efficiency of new structures with knowledge-intense area mapping
Successful dynamic seating strategies and office design initiatives